
To the existence of the marriage

"The idea of" first marriage to buy a house or will change
A: "marriage law" judicial interpretation (3) what are the influence to the real estate? After the divorce to return to change to the estate?
JiangHao: "marriage law" explain (3) to solve the current widespread for whole family of force, poured out his life savings to buy a house for children of parents, children, the trouble back at home of divorce each other shall not be entitled to the gift property parents to leave at.
JiangXiaoDong: many people are "first to buy a house, and again after a career,". The "marriage law" judicial interpretation to differentiate clearly out of private property, some "operational marriage" phenomenon will be effectively controlled, also can let the "buy" first the concept of marriage can help even change.
ZhouJiaNi: will be more exciting and real estate sales. According to the new judicial interpretation, if the man contribution to buy a house, the man shouted after the divorce you walk, you have no reason to leave. There will be more women choose purchase, the independent group apparently will stimulate the purchase of the real estate sales.
State-owned enterprises staff, hunan satellite TV "we date" program guest
Most families the materialistic and establish
A: "marriage law" judicial explanation of the property ownership terms would affect the divorce rate? Why?
JiangHao: this judicial interpretation reduces the master have house property party of divorce, lifting the cost for previous worry divorce would split the property of concern, but at present the divorce rate has been so high, I think there should be no more too much influence.
JiangXiaoDong: I think that will affect some marriage, but it must be part of a few marriage, as most of the marriage or normal, not because of a marriage and material desires.
Local media news, August 18,, the Japanese police issued a statistics, data showed that, in January 2011 to June national police were exposed foreigners fake marriage case 88 cases, compared with the same period in 2010 growth of 49.2%. Involving a total of 264 people, up 34.7%. Police say, "illegal aliens stranded by way of a legally married disguise stranded visa, will be more easy to cause other types of crimes, thereby strengthening of the fake marriage will case clampdown."
Of the 264 people involved, 144 for the Japanese, foreign people 120. To most people, from nationality, a total of 85 people, followed by the Philippines, a total of 23.
According to police statistics, January to June in th foreign participation in the case since 9222, a 1.0% increase year-on-year. But in 2005, and crime peak, nearly sixty percent compared to reduce. Involving a total of 4848 people, up reduced by 18.9%.
In the real estate, spouse party should be promptly property of a notary, then according to the marriage law of the People's Republic to the provisions of article 18 "have one of following state, for couples a property of the party: (3) donative contract only be sure either the husband or the wife of property", should belong to the personal property.
If the parents don't want their children to a spouse property, then in donative sure to show that it is donative both sides, and keep good evidence, such as contribution certificate and real estate is donative both sides of husband and wife rather than individual written expression.

as far as possible will property right

In real life, many married young people would choose a party out of the room, one party, or a party out of the room, decorate a party buy furniture to build new family form. So in "marriage law" new judicial interpretation ease after, both sides of husband and wife how when buying a house to protect their legal interests? Once all of the divorce, buy a house and loan to buy a house will be how to division of property? Our specially invite hebei were law firm two real estate litigation professional lawyer high level, WangXiaoJuan to "marriage law" the latest judicial explanation the reading.
At present, many parents for their children before marriage bought a house. In order to show to the marriage of his sincerity, house property card only wrote fiancee or the fiance's name. In this case, when the divorce exactly who belong to the real estate?
S answer: house property card is wrote fiancee or fiance's name, but if there is enough evidence to prove, parents then mean for your children is married purchase, shall be regarded as the common property, or according to the nature, the recipient should be a personal property.
Protect rights and interests had to buy a house need to pay attention to:
As the party of the house, best requirement after buying and selling real estate, undertake notarization notarial, left his house. So when the divorce, house property belongs to the recipient side personal property.
If house donative party don't want to let the other side exclusive property, so be sure to leave the relevant evidence, such as contribution certificate and buy a house is to get married with children, both sides, impersonal gift writing. Otherwise, should as far as possible will property right is registered in their own children name.
In their children for their parents before marriage bought a house, house property card wrote children and marry the name of two people at the time of divorce, and real estate how to split?
Guests estimated 88 table. And considering the condition of body, Selina now wedding will avoid costly, pay attention to simple warmth. At the same time ZhangChengZhong also uploaded the Selina his recording a 2 minute audio and her joy and happiness passed to the fans and net friend. A few minutes later Selina himself to forward the article the micro bo, laugh says the tape is very nervous, happiness, and the sweet beyond words.
Will tell to the entertainment, 2011 are doomed to be unusual for a year, can say is a star in marriage. In, DuoWei older actress bachelor, have put on to marry dress. Let's count once held in 2011 married women are right, pop together blessed them!!!!!


This is the only time since married

Because her home in other place, the limit of I called my parents and my husband's sister and brother-in-law, something is wrong at I shouldn't call their parents, because my parents is that special care of her children.
The results of the carnage, parents see me on the spot, it's necessary to make moves the husband called to the keep the husband, my sister and brother-in-law. Since then, the husband never hit me, but, the husband never set foot in my parents' house. No matter when festivals or other things, the husband never in my parents had appeared before.
I agree with the marriage law new judicial interpretation. Although it sounds "unreasonable", but I do work, the lawyer is considered from the Angle of law often. When I buy a house, is my parents buy, from psychological for, I'm sure I don't want the future half loss. The hard life saving money to buy a house for parents is not fair.
This is also the same for the woman, cannot say to the woman is not fair.
My agent of some of the divorce cases, mostly for interest conflict, especially the house, both sides of husband and wife to grab taken away, is turning into the enemy. Such laws are, in fact, before marriage iridology is who is who, simple. And, for those who want to rely on "sits near the big style" divorce again to coin money overnight, it is undoubtedly blocked the past legal loophole.

Our children this year already 6 years old, because so far, children from it is my parents skill with a big, in-laws to buy it a child never clothes, the same toy. In my parents see the children taken big's sake, I asked my husband forgive my parents, but he refused to. This makes our two people in the heart of the difficult solution a knot, blame each other's parents have each other. How do I mediation, and her husband, the contradiction between my parents?
Internalization means to accept others without exclusion standard and idea, and don't take it to heart consistent with our assimilation of ideas. Because we have to analyze and restructure the standard and concept, and therefore accept and we are not compatible actually. When we internalization, we passive to amalgamate environment provides thing, and don't take the time to find out what is we want or need. If stagnation in this stage, then when we find really want things, I'm afraid already exhausted.

This matter remind us: of husbands and wives should try to solve problems, don't let parents involved in couples disputes. Husband and wife living under the same roof, which have not noisy, a lot of husband and wife is in noisy adjust, find each other in harmony, feelings of ascension to temperature. For the husband and wife, parents don't need to make a fuss over noisy, touch war greatly.

Husband and wife contradiction with strong and immediacy, the illicit close sex of the two eyes out loud, bee, but calm down, you can feel puzzling, can't tell which is which is the family, parents of harder to fairness, justice to disposal.
Blind admixture among them, back their own child, this is trivial things very easy to the evolution of two families, and the contradiction between the results of the family disputes, usually is a lose-lose game. So the husband and wife, wise, should understand the husband and wife is noisy, appropriate internal contradiction to discuss the truth, don't try to solve the family moved. Parents in in the face, must step in word, also avoid by all means does not HuDuan, should stand in the son-in-law or daughter-in-law's shoes and working on various parties and endeavoring to not told to leave.

University time we beginning be in love

At ordinary times we couples is very good, but the mention of the sides of the family will quarrel. Among them, one of the biggest sticking point: decorated at the house, our economy is very difficult, and the husband had to borrow money to my parents, but was my parents to refuse. Since then, I have something difficult in the home with us, and he always borrow money turned up, said should not wipe the borrow or lend less, and said my daughter out wouldn't think of me.
After marriage, he DuoCi things and I lift this fight. For me, he is introduced.the everyone dismissive, everything is thin. Which leads to me to his family attitudes have generally. More let I can't stand it is: for these things, he has three beat me. The first two times in his apology and large under guarantee I forgive him.
A few days ago, he took my family and I don't move to taunt, loves to hear, and his theory, he actually wield punching and also said to tell my divorce, piss me off, divorce agreement achievement not Sue divorce. Looking at his ferocious face, my heart is broken. I don't know how he can be so, I the home living conditions is not very good, but the family still love me, this myself in the clear.
They just not very explicit expression, but the husband always think that my family didn't care about us. And the husband just because I was introduced.the robs DuoCi beat me, let me feel the chilling blows. I really can't stand family violence!!!!!!!!!! In the future, how do I face a big fights for his wife of violence male?
He depend on this matter for the big fuss about exposure is its narrow, selfish and paranoid side. A bit like paranoid type personality disorder. This probably with his growing experience and background about.
When the couple on a plane in flight, a bit need not worry about the magnetic field. Samsung's memory card "three proofing" function, the security of the user in all kinds of accidents in the environment of data security.
: "husband and wife party sign real estate business contract before marriage, to personal property in bank loans and pay head, after marriage with the couple's joint property loans, and real estate registration in ZhiFuFang head under the name of the realty, when the divorce agreement by both parties can not reach an agreement. Such as processing, the people's court may order the real estate property right registration to party, has not yet returned to the property right registration loan a party's personal debt. Both sides together after marriage loan payments of the property and its corresponding appreciation parts, divorce should be based on the provisions of the first paragraph of article 39 of the marriage law, the principle of property right registration by one party to the other party for compensation."
Paranoid personality type or living in not be trust, often rejected family environment of lost love, or early growth experienced some setbacks blow, not timely adjust good mentality, or himself too seriously and everyone perfect, if I do not accord with the desire of some reality is not satisfied that will make a mountain out of a molehill, captivity out, and so on. You should pay attention to the husband's background, find out the source of his paranoid, perhaps more easy to suit the remedy to the case.

There are four years of relationship

Because his parents gave him down to buy a house, the house price is 1.2 million, the parents to the 800000, and the rest of the month for the 400000 by the him, I don't have to pay. This is both marriage room, also is the belongings before marriage, that is, the house don't write my name is reasonable.

But my in the mind is very uneven, first of all, this is the marriage room, my marriage, my youth in this house through and I was not a, in the future if have what thing, a little security all have no, I can not happy with that? Second, some friends around me is this kind of situation, the house will count as two personal, I definitely don't balance than. And he said also, he said no way I, his money will give me, but their parents' money he can't do the Lord. In a word, is in the house property card and I refused to name. I'm disappointed, felt nothing, and regret.
Summer is a rainy season, although romantic, but also brings a little trouble. Samsung memory card "waterproof" function, can ensure the sea water soaking under 24 hours, data can also be intact. New people on their honeymoon in the process of travel, if the camera, cell phone digital equipment unfortunate fall into water, if is common memory card, then the memory of the trip may be lost. If you are using samsung memory card, so congratulations you, put the card's water clean, can all read out.

We both know, not who to who wrong, he that's right, I also right, it is both sides reach each other all the expected. Fight, disappointed, have what way can write my name?
After getting married, "by a party for children of parents capital to buy real estate, property right to register contributor in the name of their children in can be regarded as a party for their children only donative, the real property shall be deemed to be a party to the husband and wife personal property. By both parents contributive buy real estate, property right registration in a party in the name of their children, the real estate can be identified as both sides, according to their respective parents share of capital contribution of the several co-ownership, except otherwise agreed by the parties."

Prevent huge spending poured down the drain. Your wrong is trust by her boyfriend feelings for you, do not belong to his things this move, continue to fight down from, it is easy to go even draw water bamboo blue. Your heart some injustice and uneven can understand, but if you want to put this house live better, or getting rid of heart wrath and uneven, your parents can take one of the 400000, and agreed to after marriage and husband for homes, and so, together with the house natural is both parties, and everyone's mind. If your parents don't have, you are trying to make a reasonable daughter-in-law of marriage, to try to please her favour, and get their trust, let they voluntary issued by the given documents, this house into the couple's joint property. Finally, if you know how to cherish and are good at business marriage, effort and husband double lodge double habitat, a long life, so, the marriage room is nominally husband, is actually two people share a lifetime.


Couples to divorce

For such things as a child, and almost every man will meet. Before we remember, and not to feel how, because it was just "matter". Now, see concerning the application of the marriage law of the People's Republic of China > the explanation of some issues (3) "in:" clear married for a party for parents to buy real estate investment children and property right is registered in their children's name shall be determined as a party to the husband and wife personal property ", we again, a condition simulation couples to divorce, husband or wife say: would you please leave, because this is my house.
Like, isn't it?
A law in order to regulate the implementation of the system is, security and even to protect something or some groups interests. A more perfect and scientific system, should not have too many loopholes, because more holes will reduce function, even fundamentally moved a system, can produce more social problems.
The new judicial interpretation, and strike up a thousand layer waves, and agree with a lot of opposition, but dispute are-that this explanation is not perfect, the shortcomings. Interestingly, a kind of opposition, seemed to find relative approval. Some say, to the disadvantaged groups not fair, it is said, the mother-in-law not asked the house; Some say, it makes men more easily divorce and the woman derailed not guaranteed, someone said can change and no longer just to get married marriage house property; Someone said, it will end marriage, someone said, following it to the marriage brings new utility features......
The woman, who is weak, and is the social vulnerable groups of people, some more they long to a better life, a happy family, but failed marriage, means that their life will be in pain, why not spend with the better division of property to better protect their legitimate rights and interests better security, after their life?
As to marriage or buy a house, it is people in the pursuit of happiness feeling. Although the new marriage law is a little like maintain a strong party rights and interests of the law, but also avoid the vulnerable groups in order to housing problems with their happiness at stake "fool". Ways Room, want to buy, marriage, but also to "new marriage law told you: single is for a house and marriage has become the most unwise choice.

Italian marriage law policy

Social development today, with family disputes, feelings, the impact of the marriage, divorce, continue to become a big social problems, and in most of the husband and wife divorce, became a hot issue. Property division Nowadays, the domestic divorce increased, the division of property problem also appeared a lot of disputes, today we speak, divorce, is both parties free legal rights, and the division of the property is more reasonable protect the lawful rights and interests of both.
Division of property, points two respects, the belongings before marriage and the joint property of husband and wife, the joint property of husband and wife, we know, it is to point to the couple on the marriage to start a business together, common investment accumulated property, usually, as long as the evaluation departments have the correct evaluation appraisal, court based on this a fair sentence can protect the interests of both parties are not compromised.
And the belongings before marriage, it is to point to both sides of husband and wife premarital personal investment behavior in the property it has acquired, strictly speaking, a private property, is absolutely protected by law. And the property, we know, when in the love the two sides decided to get married, have a lot of people do not want to just before his private property because they find each other has long walk to arrive together, to be taking your hand, and son xielao, won't think of divorce of that day.
So, now the new regulation, after divorce personal the belongings before marriage is a person enjoy, are under the protection of the law, so that way, maybe unintentionally harm the interests of both parties. Now, a lot of families is the man for family subjects, said, many property in the man's name is, the husband and wife once divorce, women's division of property will be very few, then, the law is fair, women, itself vulnerable groups, we again how better to go for these feelings of betrayal by the weak to protect the lawful rights and interests of them?
I think, should be additional women reproductive rights and the woman no fault occurred the divorce to acquire property should be in the traditional Chinese woman is considered vulnerable groups should be giving the benefit protection law, maybe the idea will violate most men will and thoughts, but our country has been advocating protect women's rights, should have some really as
In fact, worship money the female, male money worship "married house" or "marry house" approach was not spectrum. House, although necessary for our security, bring, happiness and belonging, but it is not the life complete. Because the house problem to marry or marry a can't hit it off, sharing weal and woe, marriage partner will lose the meaning of the original, all of the following are only a tragedy. House, and happiness and happiness related, also have nothing to do. Modern society, an increasing number of material fleshy and divorce case also from another plane that this problem.
The following three reasons, can let you more worth thinking
A female fertility, additional rights
The woman, after October after the suffering of birth, in order to the growth of the baby, pay the painstaking care, sometimes but also by the bondage of child-bearing feudal ideas, in order to a boy, and constantly suffered the pain of man, of course, a boy nature is the hero, if parents have a girl, his eye at home the position can be imagined, if, after divorce, in no property rights and interests protection, so, before marriage, divorce and suffering from blow, who came to comfort, who come to give them the courage of life

The law always can't keep up with the changing times

But always it is to safeguard citizen interests and exist. As is known to all, food, clothing, shelter and transportation is closely linked to people's four aspects. But with the development of society, the house is more and more important, men are getting rich is becoming more and more romantic, "small three" more and more is more and more hate...... . These new problems, are all affects contemporary people's emotional life.
Recently, "marriage law" the for everyone living law finally have the new action. The Supreme Court announced the full text concerning the application of the explanation of some issues (3) "(drafts) (hereinafter referred to as the" draft "), 21 provisions how to save a marriage covers the house, children, ticket, "small three" of a number of problems with the new marriage.
"Draft" come on stage, a YiLunSheng would attract a, opinions is mixed. However, the new marriage law come on stage, how many reflected on the social various existing emotional problems.
No matter by without spectrum, in fact the new marriage law spectrum reflects the series provision is only a modern society, the house as a major investment in a marriage relationship, the important position. With house prices soared, buy a house become the common people's priority, the so-called property and the confusion of marriage relationship is opened up. "Married house or married love?" Become a hot debate contemporary vocabulary.
This year, the Chinese TV channels have to "house" and "love" as a stunt, daxing topic. It seems, the house problem is solved, the marriage life difficult to coordinate. With a new marriage law and judicial interpretation is like a bomb, put about love and house how to save a marriage  property dispute pushed again outlet wave.


Family has doesn't agree with us together

Although he has an argument, but to me or is very good. A year later the son was born, I'm in love to sleep and play with his age, the son of more than I take, also have the patience, than I because of the child's things we didn't without fighting. But with the passage of time, I do not know how the case, I always felt that he is not worthy of me, a noisy, said divorce forget it.
Son grew up, he also slowly getting old, I was best years, I have some unwilling, at this time I met online a man, I do not know how the case got together, maybe he husband in bed than more to my satisfaction. A few months later, the husband felt, I put forward a divorce. We are looking for a lawyer and each session in didn't he put most of his property transfer ownership to his family name. I flee when didn't take, because passbook convinced that he won't take the fair distribution, will, plus I fault is, things always for party of the son, and I will withdraw, we agreement divorce, he gave me a few money, I also recognized.
In has not divorce, I think we will be together. Indeed as expected after two months, although we didn't reply marriage or live together, because one cannot underneath the who, besides I also cannot leave the son. So and living together for two years, home of bridal chamber covered up, we have bought the new house in the city.
In decorating a period, I do business to make money, and put out all his life savings and money to his house and pay the rent decorate shop. I was always is the more save people, at this time is not to tighten our belts, what to buy, crowded money out to decorate, still not enough, and I asked her maiden borrow money to decorate. After decorating new home is comfortable, the can owe a lot of debt. Plus he monthly rental shops. Pay rent to the day, I know he doesn't have, their pool, and ask some father borrowed ten thousand, help him to rent paid,....... Owing people money are having a bad time. His family because some relationship, give me to work abroad for three years, and I didn't want to think more immediately agreed. But as the days from abroad more and more close, I again hesitant, because my parents don't even want to me to go that far place, my heart is really not put son.
His family some angry, may be really gave him a good, say what they depend relation I can go out, now I renege, let them have no face very much. The husband also is very angry with me. I work outside the home, he was at home, because home to spending, as long as he spoke to the money, I absolutely no two words, lend me the money I was a teenage man, honestly, others is good, but looks really can't compliment. He send message to me, said that as long as I with he together, do not have money. Including our home owe, is not the issue. Consider two days later, I can reply. Later we together, then as long as her husband, I still have to immediately past. Money up the dozen
Slowly the husband felt some words, not worth listening, but I feel very grievance, and I for home to such. Then I was cold, although I still care home, but to his attitude is very not up slowly, and he may feel I a change of heart, to I also cold. The other day I had friends advised him, let him to accept me.
Forced to helpless, someone was thinking of shortcut, relaxed, not miss this love, continue to abandon to go looking for the more beautiful love. Then, a word becomes more and more people understand and identity-a divorce.
Delicate place: although there is no hand to a yearning for old then. But it also has, after all, a section of the collection in the heart of good memories. Can be so beautiful again with the idea Yin alone.
Many lovers in the meet the love of misunderstanding, will worry fire can't wait to explain, or so and the other party dispute and noisy, this is understandable, because let people feel aggrieved misunderstanding itself, in fact, however, worry useless, dispute worse, so, encounter misunderstanding, 10 million don't jump the gun, remember, "men are from Mars, women are from Venus.", maintain a normal mentality misunderstanding, enron in view and resolving, is for attitude.

My husband and I of the maintenance of marriage for five years

Son can eat after delivering in kindergarten, son, I'm on the way back to the unit in something to eat is to work all day, are all busy with work, at 5:30 p.m. et on time to the kindergarten take back the door with his son, games, to tell the story, painting, accompany him down to go, help his bath, and so on, things busy, tired to sleep only, basically do not have their own leisure.
The husband are self-employed, morning we go, he also did not wake up, we sleep at night, and he still had not come home, sometimes midnight drink is noisy we come back. He never washed his a pants, a pair of socks, let alone cooking and cleaning. A drunk, beat me, and I in the hospital for seven days, and after discharge, we divorced.
Divorce, his condition is very demanding, the house did not give us, I took his son, three years compensate me for 300000. Our house value at 1 million or more, I don't care, to break free from his torture. I took my son live back to the brother's house, brother went out of town house, the house is quite good, the plot environment is quiet and tastefully laid out. My son and soon got used to the life here, although tired but happy.
Son very sensible, also very considerate I. But, after divorce, often contact me, sometimes ex-husband peace we live together, and we apologize to a sick son, let us and came to live together. In fact, I know, in his mind or care about I very love my, just is the possession of the selfish love just, now, I should talk to remarry him?
And leaving? Again with memories of common hand through the day, the memories of love origin, development, and end. Finally, in the aftermath of love toward cemetery.
Delicate place: the love finally to complete development, to love and love their paternity finally the whole life.
Cruel place: when love becomes a kind of memory can not be separated completely and the little drops of life together. All broken, and he and her taste in the fragmentation of love hidden suffering and cruel.

Such a woman I have confidence can win her

She has been married and pregnant but often tease my husband. The husband peacetime said to me look down upon her, but the marriage, since I have lived in the shadow of that woman, no matter how hard I tried. She is the husband of the spirit. To her husband will complaints, take me and the woman comparison, said as she is, I will get an office with her, and she playing online games, let her take a car, be I found later, he said, will work need attention, but the ambiguous continues, and attend to the woman and was often break my heart.
I know the husband and her and have actually relationship, but I can not accept his heart was with another woman, because she happened between us DuoCi quarrel. Especially after, the husband still give birth to daughter and she ambiguous, let I to he was disappointed and happy with that. My emotions become very bad, often control kept goat. I fear it down to bad for children, hurt, recently went to see the doctor, psychological diagnosis of slight postpartum depression, suggests to eat an antidepressant drugs, be I refused, are trying to self regulation. I once had a divorce ideas, because the husband does not agree, not to make up your mind. Postpartum depression are identified as let me realize the marriage hurts me, I want to enjoy yourself up, let my daughter no longer suffer the effect of marriage. After careful consideration, choose to give up the marriage.
I will strive for to the custody of his daughter, pay by his support, property, real estate in two. Even if the husband does not agree, I will stick to so far to divorce. Although later road to go, but I will not fear, I believe that through the efforts to take on the responsibility of raising daughters, and let his happy than now. After about marriage, if can meet good to marry, encounter less than single bring daughter. But now I helpless. Family strongly oppose divorce, and had some, don't respect my choice. They do not support me, I should do?

D love marriage consultant:
Postpartum depression many women will have, but you are not just because of the physical and mental changes in production and pressure, and the husband of an old flame with continuous stimulation. But you belong to a wiser woman, not only has the good reflection ability consciousness, to the marriage to himself and to the child's damage, can positively self regulation and repair, and the resolute choice a divorce. And also showed the commendable bear courage. This is you out of pain, into the happy life of the independent new vital step.
Through a lifetime of ups and downs, and liangbinbanbai, white hair like snow. The two lives chonghuo has finally started slowly extinguished. Then, on the emergence of a question: who left the who, who finally left.
The departure of some surprise, it was dropped a few words of comfort then give them away, someone in pain afflict themselves afflict others, the final tortured enough-riding crane west.